Logic20/20 values: A history
What are your company values? Can you recite them off the top of your head? Maybe. Do you know where they came from or how they were chosen? Probably not.
At Logic20/20, we have three company values. They are: drive towards excellence, act with integrity, and foster a culture of we.
We want to be a great company to work for and to work with. These two goals share a common thread: people. We want to be a company that revolves around people that are smart, driven, of high integrity, and fun. Selecting our company values was simply a process of codifying these characteristics. As Logic20/20 CEO Christian O’Meara puts it, we “treat everyone well, work really hard, and aspire to have fun.”
The origin of our company values
To decide our values, we began by creating a small internal committee of diverse people from across our organization. This committee surveyed all our employees to understand the values that were most important to them in three categories: personal, internal (within our company), and external (to our clients). These included words like curiosity, integrity, improvement, dedication, and harmony, to name a few.
We then collated the responses and categorized them by general themes. With the themes pinpointed, we brought them together to form our three values. Both our leadership and consultants quickly championed these values in internal meetings and client relationships — and the rest is history.
Read the full article here: https://www.logic2020.com/insight/history-of-our-company-values