Golang: An Introduction
Recently someone asked me, “So, what is Golang, anyway?”
Simply put, Golang — a popular nickname for the Go programming language — is an open-source language developed by a team at Google, along with outside contributors from the open-source community, and released in 2009. The idea behind it was to create a language that combined the development speed of a dynamic language, like Python, with the performance and safety features of a compiled language, like C or C++.
We have used Golang coding in numerous projects across several different industries. For example, we used it to build new modules for a client in the staffing industry that reduced maintenance and support costs. As a result of that project, we improved IT’s ability to support business needs and enhanced the data provided for strategic decision making.
What makes Golang different?
I find that Golang makes it easy to build simple, reliable, efficient software, and there is a huge change in syntax compared to the basic Java language. Golang does not require any initialization, definition of the type of the variable, or definition of the type of the output data from its methods. It supports polymorphism through interfaces that can be implicitly implemented.
How popular is Golang?
In 2018, Github performed an analysis based on the pull requests they received throughout the year, and Go ranked as the sixth most popular language, up 7 percent from the previous year.
To read more about who uses Golang, how they use it, and why developers love it, read our full article here: https://www.logic2020.com/insight/tactical/golang-introduction?utm_source=social&utm_medium=Medium&utm_campaign=Golang